
Thank you for visiting, I hope you will find this blog of my journey both interesting and inspiring.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Complications and Convalescing

So I am home and oh so glad to be! The week was fraught from the beginning when I was offered a different Chemo regime; one day treatment more frequently but supposedly less harsh. However I have committed to this one for two more cycles because it is having a visible effect and why mess with that?

After a long wait for pharmacy I got my first treatment at five pm (we arrived before 11!) and the nurse managed to hit a nerve in my hand with the needle... honestly I thought I was going to throw up all over her it hurt that much!! I had to persuade her to take it out even though it was quote "a really good vein".  My right hand is still bruised and so for the rest of the week my left hand had to take all the abuse.

Day two is supposed to be a short one but we had just escaped when they called us back. Despite supplements my potassium levels continue to fall and so the afternoon off I was looking forward to using to escape hospital grounds was sacrificed to another needle and a intravenous infusion; because, well, my heart beating irregularly would take the fun out if it don't you think?

Day two and three were long, there is little to recommend them, by this point I have lost my appetite and want to sleep. It's my most vulnerable time for reminiscing about being healthy. If I've wished for just that once this week I've wished a thousand times.

However here I am home sweet home!! Oh my bed, my bath, and the garden! The last day we have been chilling in the beautiful weather, dozing when required and packing in the nutritious goodness.  As I type I have a banana, pineapple and soya milk smoothie for my breakfast, the french doors are open and the sounds of birds filters over the radio. The guinea pigs are mowing the lawn ;) and Toast is on his way home from Grandma's! Life is how it should be!


  1. Hi Victoria, I'm writing this whilst I am living in Christchurch, NZ, here for another four months. I came by your blog from lovemydress.net and I just had to comment on how lovely your wedding looked. The photos were magical and you all looked so happy.
    I love the way you write, it really is very beautiful and I am praying for your health.
    With love, Niki xxx

  2. Dear Victoria.. Maybe you havent heard about my country...but many people here,in Macedonia ,know you.. I read your life story in a macedonian magazine..and your blog was written there.. When I read what is happening with you,I almost started crying.. But then I realized what a strong person you are .You are a role model..You are a fighter and I am sure you inspire a lot of people around the world ..Thanks to you,now I see how beautiful the life is..
    I wish you all the best... I send you all the luck and happiness on this world..and stay strong and be a fighter as you are..I will pray for you!

  3. Dear Victoria:

    I came upon your story on Cosmopolian magazine. Just had to write and tell you that I am a colon cancer survivor of 9 years and can certainly relate to what you are going through. I also had chemo and radiation, surgery, etc. Just wanted to tell you that there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel and for you to keep fighting as you have. From what I read you have great support from your husband, who was my greatest support and that is a blessing. I'll keep you in my prayers. Paula
