
Thank you for visiting, I hope you will find this blog of my journey both interesting and inspiring.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Kindness of Strangers

A small note on the kindness of people. When things went bang in my life... and I'm not really not sure when that started one thing became very clear: when life gets hard people show their true colours.

Some people walk away, some come running. Some people talk big, some people sit in silence by your bedside and just hold your hand to let you know they are there even if they don't have the right words.

You think you may be able to predict who these people might be. I thought I could but I was wrong; I still am sometimes but in both respects and from that I am learning to keep open eyes, ears and heart.

When I was in hospital, I woke to find my sister sitting by my bed just reading. After I had been discharged my best friend came to see me and tho I was too sick to speak she just sat with me. Other friends I hadn't seen in years turned up out of the blue and they are still here; embracing Imagine It and life with me. I may have had people give me funny looks for my scars, my damaged face, my sudden change in priority away from the mainstream but I have also met some amazing pure souled people who have gone far and beyond to make a difference. I wouldn't have time to list them but be assured you are not forgotten, you are stars that shine in the dark. (Lol I'm with the metaphors today but hey I'm happy and I'm going with it!) However one star shines so bright he has to be mentioned today of all days.

One year ago I (re-)met an amazing man, who looked past the swollen face, the short furby hair and scars and saw and fell in love with the real me. At times I couldn't believe this could ever be so. But now we are married and truly committed to each other in every way. It's a year to the day since we nervously met for a coffee in Costa, so much as happened since then, so many amazing amazing things including last nights trip to the ballet. But what is most special about  this  anniversary is we are off in the snow to spend a week in a little cottage in the Welsh mountains snuggled up by the log fire. Warming soups, tea and a fruit cake that is in the oven as we speak.... bliss! Bessie the Jeep is raring to try out her four by four and I must go off to pack woolly socks and wellies but I leave you with this.

Don't focus on those that left you, the people that didn't show up, don't search for things to hurt you. You have to have rain to have rainbows so let that be your focus and never underestimate what tomorrow may bring.

See you in a week for a full report! xx


  1. Enjoy Wales, drive carefully and keep warm! A friend who lives on the Orme sent me photos of the mountain goats there today, they have just started having their babies, so sweet!
    Love to you Darren and Toast. xx

  2. Have an amazing break in Wales and look forward to afternoon tea together on Friday xx

  3. Such a beautiful and thoughtful soul. Have fun. Joey. x

  4. Enjoy Wales, and quite seriously, thank you. It is so good to see someone point out the good in people. We live in a world where the bad is always reported on, and yet continually, lovely people are doing kind and nice things.

  5. Have a wonderful time in Wales my loves, and what a lovely blog post to read through. It is true that the bestest of friends stay by your side through whatever you might be going through, I learned this last year also.

    Safe journey in Bessie - looking forward to hearing about your experiences :)


  6. Hello, I have just read your story in the paper. What an amazing woman you are which is obviously exactly what your husband could see when he met you. I love your quote about rain and rainbows! Have a fabulous holiday. Lots of love xx

  7. If only love could cure your beautiful self, then you wouldnt have any sickness. I read your posts often and even though I cannot do anyhting to help you physically, I do say a big prayer for you every night. Good luck and good health on your continuing journey.
