
Thank you for visiting, I hope you will find this blog of my journey both interesting and inspiring.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

An early morning walk on the beach

The first few days we have been confused by the time difference and so waking at 3 or 4 am. This morning however I am not accepting the lie-in; my mind is whirring away, thinking about the reality of my situation and adding far too many "last times" to my internal dialogue. I can feel the tension rising so I wake D and he suggests we walk out to the beach before breakfast.

It's a beautiful morning; warm yet mild with an incandescent glow of yellow light that gives the shore a hallowed feel. It is an amazing feel of calm to be alone together on the beach. We come across a heart with the words 'I love you' made out of pieces of washed up coral which really reminds me why we are here.

This is about living, laughing and our love for each other. Vx

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